I know I say this all the time, but I have been so busy lately.
It's been a long time since I've written on here because I've been subbing and working so much.
The 20th was my 25th birthday. It was a wonderful day. I baked 4 dozen cupcakes for the 5th graders I was teaching that week and they were delicious! They were cookies and cream cupcakes! They had oreos in the batter, and half had chocolate icing, and the other half had vanilla icing. I put a quarter of an oreo on top of them. The kids loved them and so did we! I will for sure make them again!

Bobby got me all 4 of the Twilight books...I haven't started reading them yet because I'm finishing "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's very good. But I really, really, really want to read my Twilight books!!

I got some other stuff from my mom, Noelle and Fran. My mom got me a swag to hang in the living room and some plates for a plate rack I got from my Home Interior Party. Noelle got me the movie Bed Time Stories. I watched it with the kids at school. It's so funny, I loved it! Fran got me a gift card for Old Navy so I can get some new clothes for school/work!
The whole week of my birthday I subbed at Penns Manor for a 5th grade teacher while she was out having surgery. What a blast those kids were! I love 5th grade because you can make fun of them and they make fun of you right back. They're so funny. I really didn't want to leave them at the end of last week!
Last Saturday we had a fire in the backyard with our friends. Diana was here visiting from Kentucky so we had to do something while she was here. We had way too much to drink that night and I had a hangover on Sunday morning! We were being so goofy that night, but we had a great time with our friends!

Last Sunday, the 26th, we had Janelle's birthday dinner. Her birthday is the 27th, but we had dinner a day earlier like we did for mine. We had a nice dinner outside and then we took Taryne down to the pond to feed the fish. We spent almost 2 hours by the pond and I got some really nice pictures. She was also blowing out the candles on Janelle's birthday cake 100 times because she loves to sing "happy birthday" and blow candles out. It's so cute! She was also trying to blow bubbles...we all ended up doing it for her and she would pop them.

We went to my boss's son's wedding last night. I was not looking forward to it at all! I thought it was going to be soooo boring and we would be home by 7. We ended up getting pretty buzzed because the bartender - Sparky - was mixing the drinks half and half. They were so strong that we were all just about drunk on 2 drinks before dinner! It was pretty funny. We had a ton of fun with my co-workers and their spouses/significant others. We all stayed until the end of the reception (9:30) and I think it would be fun to have them over to our house this summer for a big party. Of course, I forgot my camera last night...but my battery was completely dead and I neglected to charge it. Oh well...Fran had her camera.
Today, we had Bobby's grandma's birthday party at Fran's house. We didn't have the nicest weather, but it was nice to spend the day with family. No pictures from day...I used Fran's camera for her all day because she was so busy being hostest with the mostest!
And finally...Yesterday, Jenni FINALLY had her baby. Christopher Grant Bush was born at 10:29 on Saturday morning. He was 9lb 5 oz, 20 1/2 inches. He is a biiiiiiiggggg baby! But absolutely adorable. We haven't been to the hospital to see them yet, but should be going tomorrow night.

Well...that's it! Hopefully I'll be updating sooner than later next time! The school year is almost over...1 month to go! Take care!
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