Did you miss me??Sorry I've been gone so long, we've been busy! I wish I had blogged while we were at the beach and our many other fun things. Buuuutttttttt....I didn't! Sorry!
The beach was a blast. It was warm and sunny all week except our last day there, when it stormed all day. For those of you who saw the picture on Facebook, I'm sure you'll agree with me that the storm was creeeeeeeepy looking!! We went to
Medieval Times for our anniversary. It was fun...but our Knight lost, poor guy! There are pictures on my Facebook, and I should probably put them on Photobuket soon so you can see them.
We've been running around doing things, visiting friends, going to different things, but nothing too memorable...sad, I know. We went to Deep Creek Lake, MD for a weekend with Bobby's family. They stayed for the entire week, but we went down Saturday and left Sunday, then went back for the day on Wednesday.
Bobby turned 27 last week (Aug. 25th) and his mom cooked dinner for all of us and we had a nice time.
This week is the big Indiana County Fair. Bobby lives for this week every year. He eats lunch and dinner there everyday...today was the only day we haven't gone for dinner. He's going to the tractor pull with his dad tomorrow night. Whew! I am so glad I don't have to go. The smell of Diesel fuel makes me sick to my stomach! Gross!!! While he's there, I'm going to make my dad's famous chili. I have been promising it to the 911 guys for the past 2 months, so I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'll be home alone and I'm going to finally make it. It's deliciousness in a bowl! It won't ever be exactly the same, but it'll be close.
I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend! We're having a big ol' party on Monday...We've invited like 100 people (I MUST BE CRAZY) and they're pretty much all coming.
Soooo...if you read this on a regular basis (although, it has been nearly 2 months since I've posted, so there's nothing regular about that)
you can come join in the fun!!! We're starting at 2 and asking everyone to bring a covered dish and a chair. If there's something special you like to drink, you may want to bring that, too! We're providing hot dogs and some beer and other beverages for all! We'll have a fire in the evening and we can find some games to play outside, too!
Just let me know if you're coming, and if you need directions! I'm in the mood for a good party! So please come over, it won't be as much fun without you!
And on that note, I must say good night! I've been having some problems sleeping, as most of you probably know...and staying up this late won't be good for me come tomorrow morning. So off to bed I shall go! Nighty night!