
Just a note

Yesterday, I wrote about my blitzing to clean my house.

Just want to say, that while it was rewarding to have accomplished so much, it was more rewarding to sit down and enjoy the rest of my evening with Bobby. As I said in my post, I've been really, super busy lately and my house was obviously suffering because of it...and unfortunately, the time I spend with Bob-o has been dwindling, as well.

I have been subbing and working at the office a lot and we don't get to spend as much time together as we would both like. But, at the same time, he is also at a gun raffle today, trying to win some guns or some money and he had to go to the airport this morning to drop off his boss's son. He left at 6:15 and got home at 11:00.

So, last night was majorly rewarding because as soon as my cleaning was done last night, he woke up from a short nap and we made dinner together. It was nice to work in the kitchen together and then to enjoy our easy meal of cheese-stuffed burgers (that the cheese oozed out while they were cooking) and au gratain potatoes. We watched some tv and went to bed.

Today, when he came back from the airport, he brought breakfast home for the two of us and we hung out for a while before doing some laundry. He took a little nap because he was so tired after his big drive. Then when he woke up we watched Turner and Hootch together...I had never seen it. It's a great old Tom Hanks movie.
He left about an hour ago and Maverick and I are missing him already. I'll be alone the rest of the night and it really bites. I may do something with my mom...we'll see.

One last thing...before I forget. I was checking out Organized Everyday, again today and she had this funny video on there about Twitter...Now, I don't twit, but I do often update my Facebook status from my cell phone just like a few other people I know...but I think this is funny. It's from YouTube

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Sarah, this is a pretty funny video because it's so true for some.

Also, I know it stinks when your man has to be out a lot, or because your schedules don't sync. Chris and I have set a "Date Night" every week, and we don't schedule anything else on that evening. We don't always go out, but make time just to spend together. It does wonders for the communication realm. Maybe you can adapt that for you and Bob-o.