

I read a lot of blogs on home making and crafting...I'd like to think that I take care of our home pretty well and that it's not dirty, sometimes I just get really busy. I look to the amazing people who post daily about their cleaning, cooking, baking, and crafting for inspiration in my home. I have learned a lot about making my house a home from them.
Of course, I also read the blogs of some of my friends, just so I know what's going on in their lives.

This Friday, I'm trying something new...It's called Blitz-It Friday!
Grab My Blog Button!

You set a timer for one hour and try to get as much cleaning done as possible. Every Friday over at Organized Everyday, Organizing Mommy hosts a challenge to her readers to set a goal and see how much cleaning they can accomplish in the one-hour time limit. Here's the original rules for the one-hour blitz

So...today, I thought I would finally give it a try, as I do follow her blog daily and I keep saying I'll do it. Here's what I wanted to accomplish:
  • Unload/Reload Dishwasher
  • Handwash all dishes that cannot go into dishwasher
  • Take out garbage
  • Clean bathroom
  • Dust Livingroom/Dining Room
  • Put away all lose paperwork
  • Clean off furniture
  • Fold towels washed a couple days ago
Here are some pictures to show why things needed to be done!

I know...that's a lot to accomplish in an hour...but guess what?! I got it ALL done...except for folding the towels. But I got HALF the house clean! I am completely amazed at how much I can get done in an hour!
See how much better everything looks!!!

Whew! That was a ton of pictures! I told you it looks better! I think I might set my timer tomorrow while I'm home and see how much more I can get done!
I'll have to take some pictures of my different spring decorations that are around the house and share those, too.


Megan said...

Great Job! It is amazing what you can get done when you just focus and don't take a break.

Christy said...

whew! You were really moving! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Everything looks great! Happy Blitzing!

Jena Webber said...

Way to go, girl! I hope you took your heart rate and logged it as exercise too! LOL. You were "haulin" as we say up north. I'm so encouraged that this is a blessing to you!. I was telling my Mother that if only 4-6 people are encouraged in this area of their lives, my blogging job will be done. Of course, I love it when they report in and let me see all that they've done too.

The goal is not to worship productivity--just the opposite! Let's get the work done so we can enjoy the other aspects of life! Being with people, the Lord, and everything else! Blessings to you, girl!

Teri Enciso said...

nice photos on your wall :)

Sarah said...

Hey thanks...they're easily the best wedding photos I've ever seen :) Some awesome photographer took all of them.

We couldn't just pick a few of them...they're all over our house!