
I can't believe it's April!

Well, it's Wednesday evening and we're hanging out at home in our respective seats on our laptops.

Tonight I made BBQ chicken, noodles, and fruit cocktail for dinner. It wasn't anything too exciting, but it was still good. It's time for some ice cream, I think.

Now that April is here, things are going to start getting busier.
Starting next week, I have musical rehearsal for 2 weeks. I am sort of dreading it because I know that my back is going to be hurting extremely bad and I'll be grumpy because of it. I'm playing with Penns Manor HS's pit for Beauty and the Beast. The show is April 17, 18 & 19...if you're interested :)

There isn't too much else going on in our lives right now.
Bobby has an upset stomach today and didn't go to work.
Tomorrow, Maverick will be 3 years old! I can't believe my puppy is that old already! We met him 2 days after he was born and he was soooo tiny. Until we brought him home, we went to the breeders every week, or every other week until the day Bobby and Noelle went and picked up Maverick and Marlie (she's Noelle's dog, from the same litter) while I was at work. Now they're 3! He's been such a good buddy for us and like a child for us. And right now, it looks like he's going to be the only baby we get...considering the problems I'm having right now...

I'm subbing at Penns Manor Elementary tomorrow...don't know what I'm doing in the morning, but I'll be teaching music in the afternoon to grades k-3. Can't wait! I'm going to get my ice cream now and then head to bed. Nighty night!

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