
Nothing too exciting

Things have not been too exciting lately. There really isn't anything exciting going on in our lives.

OHHHH!!! One thing that is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY EXCITING is that Noelle (Bobby's little sister) got ENGAGED last week! I'm so excited for her! They are going to get married NEXT summer in June 2010. Bobby and I will both be in the wedding!We love our Wella and we love her man, Derek, too! Can't wait for the wedding!

Bobby's cousin Jenni is about ready to pop! She's due on April 30th, but she's going to pop that baby boy out any day now. Her step-brother's wife just went into labor tonight...Bobby got a text message that little Piper Burr will be welcomed into the world soon! I'm so excited for all the new babies!

Did you see dancing with the stars tonight?? They kicked off Maks and Denise Richards. I cannot believe it! Steve Wozniak should have TOTALLY been kicked off instead! I'm so mad! I hope that American Idol doesn't disappoint me this week!

Tonight, I had rehearsal with a quartet at my church for this Sunday's service. The quartet is meeting with the choir tomorrow night, and we perform on Sunday morning. I love playing my instrument and I wish that I could play more often, but I don't have the time.

Last Tuesday we went to the Penguins game! It was soooooo much fun. I had a BLAST! I haven't been to a Pen's game in 5 years. It's been too long! I have some pictures...but not on my computer yet. Bobby put them up on Facebook if you want to look there.

I'm closing my Home Interior party on Friday night, and actually, Thursday I'm closing my Party Lite book party. I was crazy to have both parties going on at the same time...but everyone wanted stuff and so did I, so I just decided to have both!

I'm subbing at Westmont in the morning, working from 4-8, then rehearsal...subbing Thursday and Friday at Penns Manor...I haven't taught in almost 2 weeks, I miss being with the kiddos. Hopefully tomorrow will be fun!

Time for bed! 5:45 is waaaaaaayyyyyyy too early for me! Nighty night!

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