

Okay...so I discovered a new website tonight. It's www.fmylife.com. If you need a good laugh, I suggest you check it out. Bobby and I read through these for about an hour tonight.
You may not think they're very funny...but sometimes it feels good to laugh at other people's misfortunes.

Here are a few examples:

Today, I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that I had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years. FML

Today, I was walking through the mall with my boyfriend of a year and a half. There was sign outside of the jewelry store that said, "Engagement Rings-No interest for 12 months." I said, "Look, baby! No interest." He replied, "That's right...NO INTEREST." FML

Today, my guy friend and I were in his dorm room watching a movie when he started kissing me. Things heated up so we moved things over to his bed. He was on me when a hand shoots down from his top bunk. His roommate had been up there the whole time and he wanted a high-five. So they high-fived. FML

This one was by far my favorite...I was crying because I was laughing so hard.
Today, I was pissing in a urinal and I had the urge to sneeze. Unable to hold it, I sneezed and hit my head on a metal beam supporting the urinal. In complete disarray, I had to step back from the urinal while pissing and managed to spray the floor, the wall, and the person next to me. FML

I'm heading to bed now...nighty night :)

1 comment:

Jena Webber said...

These were funny. I think I should submit a few, since my life is filled with hilarity. Yes, our Hud loves his cello. Even though we take Suzuki lessons, I don't play or read music with him. We have five children: Hud is #3. They often get left in the shuffle, so I do things to make him feel special. Thanks for coming to my blog.